F&RCC Eden Valley & South Lakes Limestone


The limestone and sandstone crags and quarries described in this guide are scattered over a large area of North, East and South Cumbria outwith the Lake District, one of their many attractions is that their climbs may often remain dry when those in the National Park are not.

Important crags described include the Chapel Head Scar (Limestone) and Armathwaite (Sandstone).

These are contrasting venues, Chapel Head Scar is by far the best sport climbing venue in the region while Armathwaite is exclusively a trad venue and is the home of some very bold slab and wall climbs.

The numerous less well known crags also give plenty of scope within easy reach of the Lakes and are ideal venues to save a rainy day or as evening crags for locals.

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The limestone and sandstone crags and quarries described in this guide are scattered over a large area of North, East and South Cumbria outwith the Lake District, one of their many attractions is that their climbs may often remain dry when those in the National Park are not.

Important crags described include the Chapel Head Scar (Limestone) and Armathwaite (Sandstone).

These are contrasting venues, Chapel Head Scar is by far the best sport climbing venue in the region while Armathwaite is exclusively a trad venue and is the home of some very bold slab and wall climbs.

The numerous less well known crags also give plenty of scope within easy reach of the Lakes and are ideal venues to save a rainy day or as evening crags for locals.


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